Roses are beautiful, smell wonderful, and we love them. Probably every woman wishes to have an armful of roses at least once in her life. Roses symbolize love and are used in perfumes because of their beautiful and intense fragrance. Beautiful and noble are the wild roses that grow in gardens and the cut roses that are arranged in vases. However, they often wilt quickly. It is a pity. At home, however, they bloom well. The typical color of roses is crimson, but roses do not come in only one color. There are orange, white, blue, pink, and many other colors. But they are all beautiful. Obtaining potted roses and growing them at home is not a problem . So-called miniature rosesare suitable for growing in pots. The important thing is to be able to take good care of them, and not just leave them alone. The more you take care of them, the more they will reward you.

How to grow miniature roses [16
If you get miniature roses in pots, you can enjoy their beautiful blooms and fragrance from spring through summer. If you regularly remove dead flowers, they will last even longer. The house will be filled with a nice fragrance and they will be energetic. 18] They need to be winterizedin winterand should be kept in a place where the temperature is below 7 degrees Celsius at all times, but you need to be careful not to freeze them, so if you place them outside you need to pay attention to the temperature. If the temperature rises, the roses will wake up and all your efforts will be lost.

Cut the flowers in the spring and gradually place them in a warmer location. After a week or so of waking from hibernation, place them in the sun, for example, on a windowsill. They should also be watered regularly, preferably with a rose fertilizer. Also, roses need a large space, so plant them in larger pots. At the very least, they do not need to be repotted often.