I always wanted to own a car. After graduation, my mother promised me that she would pay for me to get a driver\’s license. So I must say I studied hard. I also want to brag that I was one of the really good students in high school. And that included my mother and grandmother, who made me very happy. Both my mother and grandmother were very educated. Both my mother and grandmother had two colleges. They were interested in economics. So they wanted me to have a better education. But I didn\’t want to study anymore. I wanted to have a car and work.
Eventually, when I got my driving license, I started delivering pizzas. Because I really enjoyed driving. Plus, I wanted to drive a nice car. So far, I\’ve only had working cars. But I didn\’t mind because I could use it for private use if I paid extra. So it was perfect that I could leave my car at home without having to hand it over after work at night. I could use it just like my own car.
That was a really big advantage. In fact, I still had a paying job, plus a car. What more could I want? I also got a cell phone for work six months later, so it was really perfect. I can\’t complain. Besides, I\’m a really good driver. I also really like going to the car races, which are twice a year. It\’s really fun, and if I had been a driver for a long time and had more driving experience, I would definitely participate in car races. Besides. I\’ll try it. I\’m going to apply to their car club. Maybe they\’ll accept me and teach me how to drive properly when the car wants to race. If I\’m lucky, they might see me somewhere on the racing line.