Do you know what brainstorming is?

Do you know what brainstorming is?

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Do you know what brainstorming is?

It is a group creative technique. There are really not many limits to creativity in brainstorming. The essence of this technique is to allow people to present their ideas as openly as possible. The technique is supposed to remove the internal constraints that set the boundaries to which one must adhere. It frees the imagination.
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Why do we need brainstorming techniques?
This highly creative technique is used in many areas of human activity. From solving partial concrete problems to discovering innovative scientific ideas and creative approaches. Brainstorming is practiced in the scientific community as well as in marketing and management.
How does it work?
1. Organize a team
You need a team of people. Social groups. One person could brainstorm alone, but it would have little to do with the generally accepted and defined brainstorming method. Gather the chosen group of people, preferably in one room, in a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere. A calm, safe environment is conducive to the birth of creative ideas.
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2. Choose an appropriate method for recording ideas
Preferably one that allows everyone in the group to see the results. For example, a flip chart is appropriate. Alternatively, combine electronic recording with a data projector projection. Feedback is important. Record ideas and keep looking at them.
3. Do not criticize
The essence of brainstorming is the free flow of ideas. Everything can be converted into valuable concepts. Allow participants to freely express any idea. Even if it seems ridiculous or unworkable at first. In fact, such bold ideas often lead to truly original and sophisticated solutions.
At this point, you are all equal. Whether you are the boss or a newcomer, your ideas carry equal weight in the brainstorming process.