We still often encounter the misconception that dogs are nothing more than pets. But every dog, far more than a cat or any small rodent, needs conscientious care, proper diet, regular training, and most importantly, your daily presence.
Discipline and Care
While it can be said that a small “rattle” won\’t give you much trouble, you shouldn\’t deny that it requires a completely different kind of attention – otherwise the dog wouldn\’t grow up.
If you don\’t have a large yard and just a pen, walk or (depending on the dog) jog a few miles regularly every day. Dogs need to be active. In the city, you can hire a dog sitter to care for, walk, and feed your dog, but dogs are very social creatures, and they get used to certain people and do not like to get used to new people. The person who spends the most time with the dog will become the dog\’s favorite and will also command the greatest respect. Especially in urban parks, a badly behaved dog can make a really bad impression. So be sure to train your dog properly, ideally under the guidance of an expert. If you don\’t have time for a dog, then don\’t have one.
Dogs can teach you too. Among other things, a dog teaches you more responsibility. Many young couples get a dog first, not for nothing, but to remind them how difficult it is to keep and raise a strong-willed creature together.
News for Dogs
In today\’s open-minded age, we are increasingly concerned with the well-being of our faithful four-legged friends, and not just for humans. Not only are there places that will take care of your dog when you are gone, but there are also specialized dog salons. A visit to such a salon is a treat for your pet, but be prepared to pay for any service. You can treat your dog to top-notch spa treatments, coat trimming, brushing, bathing, and many other whimsical activities.