Really! Fish are wonderful relaxers. But beware, according to recent scientific studies, even fish can be depressing! This is not a message from another world, but unfortunately a fact. Why do fish get depressed? It is due to the ignorance of their keepers. Small tanks, improper configuration in the aquarium, lack of hiding places for aquatic plants and fish, rocks and sand. The bottom of the tank must be changed from time to time, and the fish must be surprised repeatedly so that they do not get bored. Fish are living creatures and need change just as much as humans do. When they get bored, they get depressed. Boredom is the beginning of the end, and we all know it. To not be bored, we ourselves need activity, change, and friends. So do fish.
If you decide to keep fish and become interested, first learn at least the basics of fish keeping. Don\’t go out and purchase the necessary equipment, including an aquarium and fish, without knowing the basics. Visit a friend who is involved in fish keeping. You can get more information by visiting fish dealers. But don\’t be surprised if they all give you different information or if their advice doesn\’t work. Many factors are necessary for successful fish keeping. The composition of the water with sufficient oxygen, the size of the tank depending on the type and number of fish you want to keep, how often and how to drain the water from the bottom of the tank. Chlorinated tap water should not be used, as it destroys beneficial microorganisms. It is also recommended to provide at least 12 hours of light per day
, depending on the amount of light given to the fish.
Remember the important thing about bringing fish home from the store. Transport your new fish as soon as possible. Of course, it should not be below freezing! The fish should not be subjected to temperature shock. If it is colder, hide them under a jacket.