People have many different hobbies. Perhaps they can be divided according to their level of effort. A philatelist would certainly require different energy than, say, an orienteering enthusiast.One hobby that requires at least average physical strength and long breaths ishiking.
§ Hiking
can be done by some means.
– Some means of transportation
or on foot
– or on foot.

But if we are talking about real hikers, all they need is a backpack, a hat to protect against heat stroke, and at most a walking stick for support. The only means of transportation they use are their feet. However, sometimes we do use means of transportation, especially when the destination is far away. Especially when the destination is far away. In most cases, the train is an aid.Tourists walk to an unknown place and turn it into a familiar place. Sometimes they act like criminals returning to the scene of the crime. Tourists also often return to places they already know.

Hiking without shoes.
This impulse did not escape Czech tourists, as people needed to organize themselves, and they founded the Czech Tourist Club in 1888. Its members maintain and update a network of tourist signs, and they are also responsible for the creation of the Czech Tourist Club, which is a network of tourist signs. The beginnings of hiking can be traced back to the Middle Ages. Pilgrims visiting sacred sites probably did not consider themselves tourists. Artisans also went out into the world to gain experience
. Such activities could be called forced tourism and certainly had nothing to do with hobbies.

One of the first famous tourists was the writer Karel Heinek Marcha. He liked to wander around Kokozijn. Today, one can follow in his footsteps. After the war, hiking was very popular. It affected the working class as well. Sightseeing tours began to be organized to see the beautiful nature. One of the latest trends isbarefoot hiking. 51]
Barefoot hiking groups have emerged, organizing barefoot walking programs. Let\’s hope they keep their boots on.