How to Monetize Your Website

How to Monetize Your Website

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How to Monetize Your Website

Keep in mind that the following strategies vary. Some are simple and passive, while others require daily work. So choose a method that not only fits your website, but also your time and lifestyle.
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o Advertising Space
The most common way to get some pennies from your website is to sell advertising space. We all know what these ads look like. But in general, they differ radically in how they work. But in most cases, you get paid per click for links and banners or text.
Perhaps the easiest way is to use Google AdSense.
Another option is to offer advertising space directly to companies without an intermediary. Don\’t be afraid to use certain services that match supply and demand with respect to online advertising. This way you can generate more profit than if you willingly use Google AdSense.

o Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular and fastest ways to monetize a website.
Find a product that you like and feel comfortable recommending. Make sure it fits the concept of your website. If the article you write is about dogs, do not advertise car gadgets. Then research and inquire about the possibility of this type of collaboration.
You will only see a profit if visitors click on your affiliate link and purchase your product. Thus, it is pointless to promote something that your audience is not interested in.
Your commission will be 30% to 70% of the price of the product or service. High earnings and fast profits are the reason why this way of earning is so popular.
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o Sell Your Own Products
Create your own products, ideally related to the theme of your website, that you can successfully sell to visitors.
This type of monetization can be classified as more time consuming. However, it can be monetized significantly in the future while offering the most freedom.