The hustle and bustle experienced at Christmas is one of the worst parts of the year. But the feeling of not being able to afford the precious gifts you wanted is even worse. The ubiquitous discounting of clothing, electronics, and groceries forces us to buy things we don\’t really need. And as our wallets get smaller and smaller, we can\’t help but wonder how we could have spent so much money so quickly on something that is ultimately useless. So let\’s take a look at how to overcome the discounts, mature, and enjoy the end of the year without stressing about the state of our wallets.
Make a list
Make a list of things that would make good gifts for relatives. If you have a clear goal, i.e., you know exactly what you want to give, and you pursue that product with a purpose, the others will pass unnoticed, you won\’t think of buying them, and you certainly won\’t buy them. Simple, isn\’t it?
Give yourself a not-to-exceed limit!
Giving gifts to loved ones is important, but you have to stand your ground. Unfortunately, Christmas has become an incredibly commercial holiday, with people buying increasingly expensive things. Therefore, set a limit on how much you spend for friends and relatives. Also, remember that you are not obligated to give gifts to all of your co-workers or your father\’s 15th aunt.
Most important is the fact that Christmas is a peaceful and quiet holiday. Visiting relatives you haven\’t seen in a long time, going to the cemetery to light candles for those you remember, laughing at Puppies. All of these things should be central to you and your relatives. Many people are saddled with debt at Christmas because they don\’t know that Christmas is not just about the presents. Be careful not to be too generous and get yourself into debt hell!