The French have elegance in their blood, and it extends to their style of living. The interiors in which the French live are definitely their typicalbright colors. We all know that bright colors visually magnify a room, and the French prefer such bright shades in their interiors.

What are the colors of French interiors
One of the preferred colors in French homes is white . It is the color of purity and beauty.
§ 22] light pink
§ Greenish
§ Blue .
§ 28] blue [30
§ 31] gray[33
They like to combine these colors and also like contrast. They combine colors that at first glance do not match. However, a second look at their interiors reveals that everything in their homes creates an original contrast. Occasionally, they may decorate with darker colors, but the base remains purely bright.
Interior Materials
The French style is inspired by their countryside, so they prefer to live surrounded by natural objects and natural materials. Trees and flowers are the most favorite things of the French.
One of the most popular patterns in French interiors are small flowers . Not only do they add a romantic touch, but together with leaf patterns they support the natural feel of the interior. The furniture is beautifully decorated with ornaments, giving it a fresh look.