You will surely think this is nonsense, but it is not. I myself tried it for three years. So what can we do about it? This system is called Postcrossing and you don\’t need anything to use it. Except for registering on this site. It is all free. What is it like? You send a postcard and another postcard comes back to you.
How does it work?
The principle itself is not complicated. After registration, the system generates the address of the person to whom the postcard will be sent. The person receiving the postcard immediately registers it. Only then is the postcard “counted”. The machine registers this receipt and makes your address available to another person around the world. The machine generates an address for that person in the same way it generated an address for you. Simple, right?
How many postcards can you send?
Only three at first. The system needs to “feel” you out. Over time, the number will increase to 5 or 10 postcards per month. How many you use is up to you. For every postcard that is confirmed (i.e., registered by the recipient), you will receive the same number of postcards. The rest is all up to luck.
Which countries are participating?
All. Except perhaps North Korea. Simply, anyone who publishes their address and is active can be tracked by the system and have their address “dropped” from the machine. Obviously, the more populous states have more participants and the less populous states have fewer participants.
Is the Czech Republic in the system?
Yes, it is in the system, but you can check the box in the settings to not want postcards from the Czech Republic. In this case, you will not receive postcards from the Czech Republic.
What are the fees?
As mentioned above, all registration is free. In fact, apart from the price of the postcard and the time it takes to write the postcard, all costs are free. Postage rates are not listed here because we have information that our beloved Czech Postal Service is once again adjusting their prices. Perhaps they will discount their services.
That\’s all in a nutshell, but if you are interested, please visit the Postcrossing website. You don\’t even have to be a collector. Something other than a folder in your mailbox is very satisfying.