Rent here, rent there

Rent here, rent there

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Rent here, rent there

Why buy a car when you can rent one? For example, why arrange for a van when you can rent one? This “rent rather than buy” system has spread to almost every aspect of our lives. Why would someone who only needs a car a few times a week have one? After all, such a person would have to pay insurance premiums, car taxes, and all that, not to mention car maintenance. On the other hand,renting a cardoes none of that, and one only pays a certain amount. It\’s a noticeable “expense” in terms of budget, but you don\’t have to worry about anything, everything is insured, and you can be sure that your car is in top condition.
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It\’s not just cars

If you think it\’s just cars, you are mistaken. Scooter rentals, bicycle rentals, and much more – all of these have already become common reality. For example, bike rentals in Olomouc are a great idea to get around the city quickly without having to bring your bike from home. Find a bike nearby, enter the password, and if you can get around within 15 minutes, it\’s free. In case you overstay your welcome, it\’s not cheap at around 15 kronor.
The sharing economy has its charms, and this is one of them. There is no risk of expensive bicycles being stolen. Who would steal a pink bicycle? Being pink, and the bicycles themselves not being “particularly expensive”, they are not always targeted by thieves, plus there are enough of both Erasmus and regular students. They are also used not only by Erasmus, but also by ordinary citizens who want to get around quickly and carefree.
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So next time you are not sure whether to buy something or not, if you do not need it urgently, first check if you can rent it somewhere.