Saffron, the Miraculous Spice

Saffron, the Miraculous Spice

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Saffron, the Miraculous Spice

Saffron is a very old plant of the iris family. It has been a cultural plant since ancient times and was known by all ancient civilizations around the Mediterranean, including the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. People used this plant as:
a dye
a spice
an ingredient in perfumes
medically to treat melancholy
an aphrodisiac
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Saffron is an essential spice in cooking and has a very positive effect on our bodies. However, it is very expensive because it is obtained by the very difficult process of processing the stamens of the flowers. The stamen is part of the pistil of the plant and serves to trap the pollen grains of the male flower within the flower.
ü Once upon a time, men used saffron\’s powers as a tonic.
ü Women used saffron to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies. It is useful in the treatment of arteriosclerosis.
ü Helps with heart weakness.
ü Helps with menstrual irregularities.
ü Good for prostate problems.
ü Relieves headaches
ü Acts on brain function
ü Saffron stimulates the senses.
ü Relieves nervous tension.
ü It has a calming, relaxing, and stimulating effect.
ü Relieves pain.
ü Helps with depression.
ü Helps relieve general fatigue.
ü Beneficial for menstrual cramps and pain.
ü Beneficial for digestive problems
ü Supports heart function.
ü Circulates the internal organs.
ü Saffron was considered a miracle elixir, increasing vitality and restoring strength and energy to the sick and weak.

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Saffron in the kitchen

This precious spice adds beautiful color and unmistakable flavor to dishes . It is added to French cuisine, especially fish soup bouillabaisse and snail sauce,
Spanish paella and various risottos,
and in England it is used to make cakes