film “The Favourite” received critical acclaim and was nominated for a total of 10 Academy Awards, including a Best Actress nomination. Or rather, Olivia Coleman, who played Queen Anne, turned in the film. 8]The film was directed by Yorgos Lanthimos
, a Greek directorknown for his rather controversial films in the past. The Favourite
isa black comedyset in England\’s past. It deals with the early 18th century, when England was ruled by Queen Anne, the last ruler of the Stuart dynasty. Queen Anne had no children, so the Hanoverian dynasty took over after her death, effectively continuing to rule England to this day.
However, those expecting a narrative historical film will be disappointed, although the set design is undoubtedly spectacular.
Black Comedy and Drama
Indeed, this is primarily a black comedy. The queen is ugly, fat, sickly, and not very smart, making her an easy victim for those who seek to influence her behavior. The queen\’s supporter and lover, Mrs. Sarah Marlborough,has great influence over the politics of the queen and the country as a whole. She essentially rules for the queen. She holds the reins of power firmly in her hands. She is a poor noblewoman who enters the queen\’s castle as a single maid, but ends up having a great influence on the running of the court. She becomes the queen\’s favorite, and Lady Sarah\’s power and popularity begin to wane.The film is quite controversial and undoubtedly decadent, even repulsive at times, but that was not the world at the time.In addition to Olivia Colmen\’s excellent performance, Rachel Weiss, who gives an excellent performance as Lady Sarah Marlborough, deserves praise, and Emma Stone [] who surprises us with a dangerous and calculating psychopath, although she is mainly associated with romantic roles.is also excellent in her performance.
If you haven\’t seen the film yet, I urge you to do so. The film is still playing in theaters for now.