The production of this luxury car was tuned and tested in a wind tunnel, which was an unprecedented and completely unique practice at the time, used only for the development of aircraft structures. The sweet fruit of these tests is a streamlined body, which created great interest and sensation when presented at the Berlin Motor Show in 1934 and then in Paris. Soon after, the series production of the Tatra 77 began, which, in comparison with other Tatra cars, had for the first time a self-support made of all steel. Of course, it was rightly praised for tatrovky–swinging axles and could not miss the typical elements, but it increased driving comfort on the roads of the time of different levels and designs, but it was hardly paved or even dusty. (After all, the quality and performance of domestic communications can be discussed at length even at the moment, but such contemplation is not the purpose of this article.The high level of aerodynamics of the chassis allows the engine to be located at the rear of the drive axle, for example, as in the type with the engine forward, long exhaust pipes The desired effect of this design was also the overall weight reduction of the car. Therefore, at a speed of 145 kilometers per hour, which the manufacturer indicated as the maximum, the engine with a capacity of 44 kilowatts was enough. That\’s not a staggering figure for the 3,000cc 8-cylinder that powered the car. It is certainly worth noting that other cars needed an engine with a capacity of at least 145 kilowatts to reach the same speed of 75 km / h, which certainly favored the Tatra 77 in the consideration of potential buyers.
Another typical feature of the Tatra 77 and its type mutations and successors (Tatra 77A, Tatra 87) was a vertical “tail” similar to that of an aircraft, dividing the slowly merging rear of the car in the middle.1 This compensated for the “handicap” of the light front of the car under the action of stronger crosswind, so it keeps the car in the chosen direction of moving safer. All drivers, for example, in the famous D1, mistakenly experience that a gust of wind from the side can force the necessary reaction with the steering wheel. Still the wind was blowing, and the stern “tail” somewhat eliminated the undesirable impact on the safety of driving.
The successor to the Tatra 77A resulted in another typical appearance that featured the Tatra passenger car, making it easy to identify the Tatra, up to the well-known number of six hundred and three. In the center of the front 3rd reflector. It is also not necessary to remember that the Tatra 87, produced between 1937 and 1950, became famous for the long・distance trips of Czech travelers Miroslav Sigmund and Izzy Hanselka to Africa and South America.
Currently, only trucks, military vehicles and other special vehicles can be found under the tatra brand. But the memories of the production of Czech passenger cars, named after the Slovak mountains, are still alive…