It\’s Friday night and you\’re out with your friends for a drink. Beer, wine, vodka, rum. Those who know the difference and quality of each species will not enjoy drinking in the pub. But the taste of alcohol itself can easily be lost with the accompaniment of other soft drinks. These include the biggest classics, such as cola, juice and energy drinks such as red Bull and Semtex, which can be mixed by anyone. What do you order when you want something more complicated?
Concrete is a popular drink in any bar or pub. No, this is not something that can be purchased in the building, but with a drink consisting of becherovka (be) and tonic (ton), everything will taste perfect, and lime juice or lemon
green is very attractive to many due to its sweet taste and peppermint flavor, but for these reasons it is so However, for many people it is also the last choice when it comes to drinking alcohol. Greens are mainly used in the preparation of soft drinks, such as green brains or frog mucus, but often they are the same, but the basic difference lies in production. When the green brain is formed, the egg liquid is poured into the green liquid, and when the frog mucus is mixed, it is the opposite, that is, the green is poured into the egg liquid.
The most popular drink is the Spitfire B52, whose name is quite appropriate for its aesthetic aspect, and it has a high percentage of rum, coffee liqueur, and most importantly, first of all, Kahlúa (high percentage coffee liqueur), then Baileys, and all. The final mixing procedure for all rums is to follow.All ingredients should be poured into a shot glass very carefully using a spoon, so as not to mix them. Why is the B52 so popular? In the last place, its ignition occurs, which arouses the interest of many. But before the drink itself, it is necessary to turn off the fire, or you need to quickly drink the drink through a straw.