What is superfood?

What is superfood?

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What is superfood?

Today you can very often come across the term superfood.  These are most oftenseedsor dried fruits of some plants. These are foods that are very rich in vitamins, mineral elements, enzymes, fiber, etc.They are mainly used by those who want to live and eat healthily in some way. They have a head high in antioxidants.
Most of these foods come from abroad. They are found mainly in exotic countries. Thanks to the place where they grow, they retain important substances, thanks to which they themselves survive.
Among the most famous superfoods are aloe vera, chia seeds, hemp seeds, cocoa beans and locust beans.

It is very rich in vitamins, minerals and organic matter. It is used in medical as well as other fields. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and has an antioxidant effect.
Chia seeds
Today, not many people know about them. They are completely new and contain substances such as iron, calcium and manganese.

Of course, it means THC-free stuff. They contain acids that have a positive effect on our body. They promote balance and prevent hair breakage.
Cocoa beans
They contain substances such as magnesium, sulfur and iron. They act very well on our immune system.
Locust beans
It is known as the bread of St. John. It has a large content of proteins, minerals and vitamins.
In large quantities, magnesium, calcium, iron, nickel and so on. You can find it in it.
You might be surprised that nuts (whether walnut or pine nuts), avocados, pomegranates, kiwi, mango and many more are among the superfoods.  

These foods should be subjected to as little heat treatment as possible. But if you want to adjust them, it is up to 42°C.
If you want to buy these products, they are now found almost anywhere in the world. An example is the Awa shop in Prague and Brno.
chia semena
You don\’t need to eat these foods just to start a healthy life, but if you have health problems such as a lack of minerals, enzymes, vitamins, magnesium, iron, calcium and other substances, you don\’t need to eat these foods., superfoods are a great choice for you.
