Sugar occurs in our diet in many forms. Fructoseandglucosegive the popular fruit a natural sweet taste. Lactoseis an essential component of milk. Sugarmaltosein turn contains beer. But when we say sugar, most people immediately recall the white crystals of beet sugar –sucrose.
Today\’s trend of healthy eating is unsweetened, and sweet is considered unhealthy, so many lovers of sweet taste prefer to replace the “classic” white beet sugar and they believe that their choice is healthier. These products are much more expensive, so they should be. They certainly contain a lot of beneficial substances. Whether or not. What about the sugar in the store? What awaits us on the shelves.
White sugar
This is a traditional product made from sugar beet. Contains sucrose. It is used for sweetening beverages and food and for preservation. In some foods, manufacturers replace this sugar with the so-called glucose-fructose syrup, the production of which is inexpensive. According to experts, our health benefits less, but products with their content are presented in stores as healthier. They don\’t contain sugar, do they?
Brown sugar
This sugar is also produced from sugar beet, and its sweet taste is also provided by sucrose. Unlike its “white brother”, it is not refined, so it is not bleached. Due to this, it contains less trace elements, minerals, fiber and vitamins. But in order for our body to use these substances from sugar, it must be consumed really “in large quantities” literally in kilograms. In this context, we are talking about the so-called paradox of healthy brown sugar. Being healthier than white is somehow generally “experienced.” It is used by some cunning producers for higher profits. White sugar simply stains (most often with caramel) to get a brown color. Of course, you have to pay for quality, so it is more expensive.
Sugar cane
It is also sweet because ofsucrose, the raw material for its production is sugar cane. The production is easier than in the case of sugarcane because of the low impurity of sugarcane. Like Brown, we find a small amount of health-promoting substances in it. Even in this case, we will eat it in large quantities for their use. It tastes a little different from white or brown. It is also much more expensive because it is imported from far away Asia and South America.