Women vs. Men

Women vs. Men

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Women vs. Men

One of the fundamental differences between women and men is the length of fertility. In women, this ability disappears around age 50, while men can conceive at an older age. Also, when comparing the amount of muscle cells, men outnumber women by 50%. The percentage of muscle is already only 5 percent higher in males than in females between the sexes. But this still puts them in first place in the comparison of vital capacity. Even lung size is half that of females. Girls grow faster than boys, but between the ages of 13 and 17, boys overtake girls.

Muž a žena

And men\’s height is nearly complete around age 20, when they tend to be larger again than women. There has been a great debate about brain size since time immemorial. Everyone defends his own group. Scientific studies show that men\’s brains are 14 percent heavier, while women\’s brains have more perfectly connected cerebral hemispheres. They also have a larger blood supply. When it comes to love, men fall in love faster, according to many studies. Regardless of age. However, it is not known whether this is due to the heart, the brain, or hormones. A strange way to tell if a man is in love has been identified by many women. They say they smell better when they are single.

Single muž

It has even been confirmed that single men, like cats, secrete a substance that attracts women. Or perhaps a more prosaic reason. Married men do not value themselves as much as single men. They say that a man with a runny nose is sick to death, when in fact he hates going to the doctor. Rather, they would rather do the necessary yard work or housework so that they don\’t have to change anything in their lives. Much of the reason for this is uncertainty about the uncertain future. Aging affects men and women equally, but in this case, men cannot overtake women. They age at a faster rate. Women\’s skin is weaker, drier, and more prone to wrinkling. Men\’s skin is more oily and taut because of the greater number of papillae and sweat glands. The sense of touch is also more sensitive in men. Men often overlook visible scars.